Thursday, August 11, 2011

A Very Stylish Girl: My Tribute(pt1): To Audrey Hepburn

Its been far too long since i've last shot! Lots of changes, had to focus on my new job but now i'm back in action! Each day working a little harder to come closer to my goals & dreams. Today I spontaneously decided to join Shelly on her shoot with Zombiefoto! We took a few shots locally at the "Cafe Audrey" off Hollywood Blvd. Even got a celebratory drinky-poo at Cabo Cantina afterwords (had a glass of champagne, that massive margarita was a fun table decoration!) Audrey Hepburn has ALWAYS & will continue to inspire me as an actress/humanitarian. So here's a few behind the scenes... how do i look? Full set will be posted soon w/ a sneak peak Twitcon update even sooner! ...Ovwa!! ;D