Saturday, November 13, 2010

Dreams: What Good Are They Unchartered?

For some years now I've had a reoccurring dream about this beach city. There is an amusement park (reminiscent of Disneyland) on the pier. Sometimes, I get scared while riding the roller coaster that we will drop into the sea. Anyways, so I had this dream last night with a different twist. I don't know if this was supposed to be a film set because things weren't as they seemed there was an overriding element/vibe of pretend. As usual people (female models, in particular) are trying to stress me out & rush me.. i was not going to allow it because i told them there is no time restraint (they couldn't come to terms with that). There was this highly anticipated party after words that everyone was excited for.  I feel this part was chaotic & vivid but i cant remember it clearly now. (Having to do with this mystery-familiar guy who helps me out but we have communication issues, so annoying in dreamland!) I am on the beach with everyone who is having this wild good time. Some of my family members are there in the water. I see people throwing each other around, dunking, rough housing in the water. I don't trust it at all. I tell one of the kids a family member is dunking something like; "He is not playing. If he starts drowning you, let me know & I'll help you!" The child looked at me with disbelief & a bit of anger that I'd suggest that, but he didn't say anything. I felt a tugging on my leg & saw him being drowned beneath the water while his dunker was laughing/playing to everyone else. The child started dying & I was trying to save him. I remembered being so overwhelmed with emotion towards everyone who were obliviously partying. The tables turned & evil intents were soon exposed. A man who had been doing dirty business while everyone was being distracted at the beach, finally emerged. I've had an eye on him with his gray dreadlocks & undeniably heavy drug vibes all around him. People thought he was peaceful & were taken back by who he really was. A cop was upset (don't know if they had a deal before) but dreadlocks didn't care about keeping anything up, anymore. The cop was on the floor & pulled back his own fleshy mask to expose the person underneath. While dreadlocks boasted to all the fearful people... I went behind his back! He had created an alternate body that looked like an alien. Dreadlocks said he is all knowing & stored this knowledge inside the alien & soon he will be indestructible. I sneaked to the alien, started to cut out it's brains & drain them. There was tons of little brains & 1 massive one .. also there was a medicated chocolate bar with symbols on it. The symbols represented a power. I knew I needed it so I chose a piece & ate it. The bar was melting & all the symbols began meshing together. I didn't care, time was ticking, so I stuffed the bar in my pant pocket. The dream ended with me strategizing (seeing as dreadlocks was all knowing & it was only a matter of time before I got caught) while I decided to drain the massive brain 1st.

Know this all sounds jumbled but I wanted to get it out while it was still fresh in my mind! Dreams give you a glimpse into your inner self. I felt that I needed to share this... if not for nothing hope you were entertained by my dream of a druggy supervilian!

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